As the years go by, the body tends to age causing consequent pain in various areas. For this reason it is important to understand how you can restore well-being to bones and joints so that even the simplest chores do not become a problem. Many studies have found that hyaluronic acid can have a really positive effect, promotes numerous benefits and restores joint health. To understand what we are talking about, let’s study it closely and try to understand in what ways it can really come in handy for the well-being of joints.
What is it and where is hyaluronic acid
Hyaluronic acid is a polysaccharide, a molecule produced by our body, present in connective tissues. This substance is concentrated more in the dermis, that is, in the deepest layer of the skin, but it is also possible to find in good quantities in the joints. One of the most appreciated properties of hyaluronic acid is the ease with which it is able to bind water molecules to each other, promoting hydration, giving the skin a healthy and fresh appearance and giving the joints greater resistance.

Hyaluronic acid and properties for well-being joints
In addition to the well-known properties for the skin, since it is able to absorb water molecules, hyaluronic acid is also very effective for joints. It acts as a mechanical shock absorber and as a lubricant, thus helping to prevent tissue damage, often due to physical stress. When it is subject to frequent inflammations, the structure of hyaluronic acid is attacked, losing both the structural characteristics and its lubricating and nutritive functionality.
Joints are fundamental in our body because they keep the bones connected to each other, so they guarantee normal mobility and the right support. On the surface, the joints are covered with cartilage that acts as a cushion, cushioning any blows. To properly perform its role, cartilage needs to be fed regularly through synovial fluid, a viscous substance composed largely of hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid, in addition to lubricating the cartilage, also allows you to avoid any joint friction because this problem, over time, could cause severe inflammation and persistent pain.
Supplement hyaluronic acid for the well-being of joints
Hyaluronic acid, as we have amply explained, is already present in our body. But the problem is that, as we age, the production of this substance decreases, in fact, more than half of the population over 60 suffer from osteoarthritis or joint problems. The consequence of this pathology is the loss of lubrication of the cartilage that gradually thins and is replaced by bone tissue, greatly limiting daily movements.
The first step to avoid this problem is to have a healthy lifestyle, that is, to exercise moderately daily and have proper nutrition. Foods rich in Omega 3 such as fish, nuts and olive oil are perfect allies as they are considered natural anti-inflammatory, while it would be ideal to avoid, or minimize, the intake of fried foods.
Older people, however, are not the only ones prone to joint problems. For example, those who practice intense physical activity that greatly overloads their body, or people who are overweight because adipose tissue promotes the circulation of inflammatory substances. For this reason, in addition to having a healthy lifestyle, practicing physical activity and following a balanced diet, it can be useful to supplement hyaluronic acid through the intake of dietary supplements to have greater benefits.
Supplements in tablets based on hyaluronic acid help to lubricate the joints protecting them from various daily stresses and perform nutritional and anti-inflammatory functions. In combination with supplements based on Glucosamine help to relieve the first joint pain, especially for those who practice intense physical activity, while those based on vitamins are recommended for their strong anti-inflammatory power. The synergistic action of the substances is therefore important for the well-being of the joints.
Infiltration of hyaluronic acid
Given the numerous properties of this substance and the well-being it can bring to the joints, this polysaccharide is often used to relieve the symptoms of degenerative joint diseases and during anti-inflammatory treatments through specific infiltrations. In such cases, hyaluronic acid is used at a localized level, working directly on the joints that are particularly affected by pain and inflammation.